
Events in the history on October 28th

306 - Mark Aurelius Valerius Maxentius proclaimed emperor of Rome 312 - Emperor Constantine the Great beats rival Maxentius 969 - Byzantines troops occupy Antioch Syria 1061 - Emperor disposes of bishop Cadalus & Pope Honorius II 1422 - Charles V's son succeeds him as king Charles VII of France 1467 - Battle at Brustem: Charles the Stoute beats the Luikenaars 1492 - Christopher Columbus discovers Cuba & claims it for Spain 1516 - Battle of Yaunis Khan: Turkish forces under the Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha defeat the Mameluks near Gaza. 1531 - Battle of Amba Sel: Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi again defeats the army of Lebna Dengel, Emperor of Ethiopia. The southern part of Ethiopia falls under Imam Ahmad's control. 1538 - The first university in the New World, the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino, is established. 1574 - Prince Willem van Orange installs university 1595 - Battle at Giurgevo: Zsigmond Bathory of Transylvania beats Turks 1612 -
This year October 27 is coming near! I could think all my relationships with him in my memory as happened yesterday!




2nd year anniversary of my student's death In two days, that date will again tear at my soul. October 28th.the day my student and close friend Leonardo died in a car accident with his dear mother. It's not that I only think of him on this day...there is hardly a day goes by that he doesn't come to mind. I miss our talks over the skype for the past two years. I miss him and his enthusiasm in spite of being paralysed and going in a wheel chair! I try to focus on all the love I have in my life even though we were only together as my student over the internet for just 8 months and we have never met each other other than over the internet! This anniversary is shared by his sisters and brothers, father and all cousins and grand parents! I do not know much about them because I do not know them personally but know a few of them over face book or orkut!! .

Some post in orkut after December 28th, 2009

Meu irmão de coração!!! Das pessoas mais queridas, daquelas em que vc coloca primeiro nas mãos!!! Adoro demais você, amigo querido... Estarei sempre por perto, mesmo que longe... anda comigo sempre e em todos os lugares, num lugar especial no pensamento e no coração!!! Tenha força... Tenha PACIÊNCIA... isso tudo no fim vai ter uma explicação! Amoooooooo!!!! Portuguese to English translation My brother from the heart! Of the dearest people, those in which you put in the hands first! I love you too, dear friend ... 'll Always be around, even that far ... walk with me always and everywhere, in a special place in thought and heart! Have strength ... Have Patience ... all this in the end will have an explanation! Loves it!!   _______________________________________________________________________ aiiii q pena q vc vai se mudar!!!... iremos sentir muita falta sua... de zuar rir ... mais pode ficar tranquilo q eu vou te vizitar ... jamais iremos esquecer de vc ... conte se

Um Pedido - Cecília (A request - by Cecila)

Boa tarde, amigo(a)! Gostaria de pedir um favor, um minuto apenas. Peço que hoje, dia 28 de outubro, em algum momento, você eleve seus pensamentos positivos, suas orações, seu coração, sua fé, independente de sua religião, aos entes queridos onde quer que eles estejam e que aqui não estão mais conosco. Em especial por Leonardo Gabriel Gradogna Rossel e Silvia Regina Gloeden Gradogna, que se foram a um ano. Que Deus os tenha, que os anjos os guardem e que eles encontrem a iluminação. Saudades ficam, boas lembranças e ensinamentos também. Que Deus te abençoe sempre! Muito obrigada! Atenciosamente Cecilia Cavazzani Gradogna e família.     Translation Portuguese to English translation Good evening, friend (s)! I would ask a favor, just one minute. I ask that today, October 28, at some point, you raise your positive thoughts, your prayers, your heart, your faith, regardless of their religion, their loved ones wherever they are and who are no longer here with us. In particular by